Restless - Sea Pearl 21
Restless, a stock Sea Pearl 21 manufactured by Marine Concepts (Florida), was
conceived as modification of Herreshoff's Carpenter dinghy - somewhat of a
mongrel cross between a whaleboat, a dory and a sharpie. She's 21' LOA, 5'6"
beam and draws next to nothing. The dry hull weight is specified as 600 lbs,
though with her usual onboard gear and water ballast she probably tops 1100
lbs. Despite this, she rows reasonably well in a slick calm using a pair of 9'
oars (which I keep lashed under the side decks).
The little Honda 2 HP, which hangs on a clever rudder-mounted bracket, is
mainly for show, though in a pinch will readily push her at hull speed in just
about any condition.

Perhaps the best and most versatile camp-cruiser ever manufactured, she is a
cat ketch with infinitelty variable roller reefing and a pair of leeboards to
bite into the water. With excellent shallow water capability, she features
water ballast tanks to give her extra punch when the wind gets up. These boats
have been sailed on adventurous expeditions in regions varying from from Cape
Horn to Alaska.
She provides very comfortable sleep-aboard capability for one (a bit tight for
two!) under a retractable canopy. She'll self-steer on any point with the wind on the beam
and for'rd, and while she'll ghost nicely in a light breeze, she sails like
stink on a broad reach in 15 knots and above, putting even the big keel boats
to shame.
In terms of her functionality and overall seakeeping capabilities she is my
absolute favourite camp-cruiser.
Burton Blais